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Government of India

वित्त मत्रांलय

Ministry of Finance

Centenary Celebration of Mysore Medical college & Research Institute(Denomination of `100) Proof -Folder Packing- FGCO001771

The Mysore city is called as the city of palaces. It was a model state under the able control of Royal dynasty of Wadiyars Noble King Krishnaraja Wadiyars IV (1902-1940) noble king. He is called as Rajavrishi by Mahathma Gandiji. He made every attempts to improve state as welfare state. He organised school education and health welfare programmes. Even they were under the control of British he dared to establish Kannada in schools. The Mysore Medical College is one of brain child Krishnaraja Wadiyar


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Centenary Celebration of Mysore Medical College & Research Institute (Write-up)

The Mysore city is called as the city of palaces. It was a model state under the able control of Royal dynasty of Wadiyars Noble King Krishnaraja Wadiyars IV (1902-1940) noble king. He is called as Rajavrishi by Mahathma Gandiji. He made every attempts to improve state as welfare state. He organised school education and health welfare programmes. Even they were under the control of British he dared to establish Kannada in schools. The Mysore Medical College is one of brain child Krishnaraja Wadiyar.

His highness Sri Krishnaraja Wadiyar founded Mysore Medical College in 1924. Prior to this there was no Medical education in erstwhile Mysore State. The concept of medical education was started in 1881. The selected students were given scholarships and sent them to places like Bombay and Madras for training in colleges. On their return they worked as Hospital Assistants.

In 1924 the Mysore Medical school was upgraded and called as Mysore Medical College. This College affiliated to University of Mysore and the University gave degrees to trained medical students.

The Mysore Medical College is first in the state and only seventh in India at the time. At the request and initiative of Sri Krishnaraja Wadiyar the college was shifted to Mysore from Bangalore in 1930.

The foundation stone was laid by Krishnaraja Wadiyar in 1930 and main building was constructed by Boraiah, Basavaiah and son’s famous contractor in Mysore. It was further expanded in 1940.

The Mysore Medical College is providing outstanding services in the field of Medicine since 1930 and the glory continues.

The Mysore Medical College sailed through saga of 100 years. During this long journey several outstanding personalities and teaching staffs came out forth of this institution and brought excellence. So far graduates post graduates passed out from this institution are serving every nook and corner of India and around the globe.

The Mysore Medical College celebrates its centenary celebrations in 2024. The institute serves mankind forever whole heartedly.



Hundred Rupees 1.      CIRCULAR

2.      DIAMETER – 44 mm

3.      SERRATIONS – 200

35.00 g Quaternary Alloy
Silver – 50.0 per cent.Copper  – 40.0 per centNickel   – 05.0 per centZinc       – 05.0 per cent