भारत सरकार

Government of India

वित्त मत्रांलय

Ministry of Finance

250 Years of Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders limited(Denomination of `250) Proof -Wooden Packing – FGCO001613

250 Years of Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited

The history of Mazagon Dock dates back to 1774 that of 250 years, when a small dry dock was constructed in Mazagon, Mumbai to service ships of the British East India Company. Over the next 250 odd years, this small dock progressively developed into the massive conglomerate that is today universally known as Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited. It has passed through various ownership and got incorporated in 1934.


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250 Years of Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited

The history of Mazagon Dock dates back to 1774 that of 250 years, when a small dry dock was constructed in Mazagon, Mumbai to service ships of the British East India Company. Over the next 250 odd years, this small dock progressively developed into the massive conglomerate that is today universally known as Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited. It has passed through various ownership and got incorporated in 1934. Finally, in the year 1960, the Government of India took over the yard to further its warship development programme and incorporated it as a PSU under the Ministry  of Defence.

From the initial order for building six Leander class frigates, under a transfer of technology from the British Admirality to the sophisticated destroyers and submarines, currently on order, the yard has come a long way.

Today, it is the premier and lead warship building yard in the country, a Mini Ratna Schedule – 1 company producing sophisticated world class warships and other commercial crafts. It produces world class stealth frigates, destroyers and submarines for the Indian Navy.

MDL is fully committed to continuously enhance the indigenous content of the ships, submarines and other vessels being built to ensure that the “Make in India” initiative of the Government of India is a success story in letter and spirit. MDL has played a vital role in defence production and indigenous manufacturing of capital goods for the Indian Navy.

Over the years the company has won numerous awards in various categories including the “Best Shipyard” for the year 2014-15.

MDL has the capability and capacity to handle both domestic and export orders simultaneously without compromising either of the verticals. MDL is trying to maximize geostrategic reach and meet International demand through Exports.



Two Hundred Fifty Rupees 1.      CIRCULAR

2.      DIAMETER – 44 mm

3.      SERRATIONS – 200

35.00 g Quaternary Alloy
Silver – 50.0 per cent.Copper  – 40.0 per centNickel   – 05.0 per centZinc       – 05.0 per cent