भारत सरकार

Government of India

वित्त मत्रांलय

Ministry of Finance

Proof – Shree Jagannath Nabakalebara 2015 – FGCO000763


Availability: 283 in stock

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Nabakalebara – Literary means the newbody. The new embodiment festival of Shree Jagannath Mahaprabhu is known as Nabakalebara. Shree Jagannath Mahaprabhu is the only propitiated God on this earth who use to periodically change of His body. The concept of the Nabakalebara emerge from the philosophy of re-birth i.e. Body is mortal whereas the Soul is immortal which has been elucidated in the ‘Shreemad Bhagbat Gita” – the Hindu tenet.Nabakalebara is performed when there are two months of Asadha (according to lunar month) which usually come in a cycle of 12-19 years.These coins are being released by Government of India in memory of the Nabakalebara held during the year 2015.

Puri, one of the four Dhams of India, is famous for the gigantic temple of Shree Jagannath Mahaprabhu – the Lord of Universe.Shree Jagannath Mahaprabhu is the only propitiated God on this earth who use to periodically change of His body which is known as ‘Nabakalebara’.